
“Be spontaneous! Get in trouble!” Alexandr Petrovsky in SATC

I am not sure how I got so bedazzled with fashion but I just cannot stop staring at it in different forms or different places. I simply love a good fashion photography. It inspires me and takes me away from reality. You can call me an escapist and I can’t deny it. But escapism is good, advisable even. Why stop dreaming? Fashion photography is definitely my dream-land. I would say I constantly thrive for a more glamorous and beautiful life. I am an aesthete as well. The love of all things beautiful got me to writing this little blog of mine.

Who inspires me in a fashion kind of way? At the moment that would be Rihanna and Samantha Jones. I love their bold style, whether they choose a striking color or a rule-breaking piece from the runway. Rihanna seems to move boundaries and channel her sexyness by wearing cool minis, high heels or see-through tops and dresses. Sam (or better say Pat Fields for Sam Jones), on the other hand, knows the perfect way to get attention, raise eyebrows and stop traffic with her bold colors. She successfully combines business with sexy and knows how to radiate self-esteem. I love their individuality and clearly defined style that they follow and continually express in new and stunning ways.

I don’t dress like them but love their style anyway. I will try to present my fashion likes on this blog. Favourite stylists, editorials, icons but also my own thoughts on fashion industry and related topics. Join me in fishing for dreams.


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